The planet

Our Ambition
Our ambition is to meet the challenge of the climate and ecological emergencies - we are committed to change the way we do business, both within our own operations and through the supply chain.
Our ambition is to be a business operating in balance with the planet - not taking more than we can give back. It is our goal to be carbon net zero in our own operations (scope 1 and 2) by 2030.
We will be carbon net zero in our own operations (scope 1 and 2) by 2030 by:
- Procuring and producing renewable energy
- Moving to an electric or other low emission car fleet
- Only offsetting what we can’t remove
We will also:
- Work with partners on reducing Scope 3 emissions
- Develop plans to reach carbon net zero in our manufacturing business Vobster Architectural

Resource Use and Management
We will effectively manage and reduce resource use by:
- Building our employees sustainability expertise to drive behaviour change
- Measuring and monitoring our resource use
- Eliminating avoidable waste
- Aiming to remove single use plastic from our offices, events and packaging
Restoring Balance
We will give back to the planet and contribute to biodiversity by:
- Supporting the Earth Trust charity to enable hundreds of children a year to connect with nature and access environmental education
- Carrying out an ‘at scale’ tree planting feasibility study
Our First Year of ESG Achievements
- Held employee sustainability workshops and recruited a team of ‘environmental champions
- Begun the transition to fully renewable energy
- Begun to measure our scope 1 & 2 emissions
- Launched a new electric car policy
- Begun removing single use plastic from our workplaces, events and product packaging
- Begun planning for installation of EV chargers and solar panels on our buildings
- Embedded energy, resource and waste measurement processes
- New recycling facilities in all offices

Our Most Recent Achievements
- Switched to greener energy suppliers including one main provider that in 2023/24 procured 64% of their fuel from renewable sources
- Completed our third year of Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions reporting
- Initiated a plan for developing full Scope 3 emissions reporting across our wider Group
- Transitioned 76% of our company cars to electric, plus 20% plug-in hybrid
- Installed EV chargers at 6 of our locations across the UK including our Head Office

Inspiring our teams to take action
We’ve held interactive sustainability workshops for nearly every one of our 200 employees. Within minutes of attending an ESG workshop, Chloe Gledden from our Birmingham Office had removed the bins from under the office desks to encourage recycling.
Though removing the bins really is only a very small step, Rome was not built in a day. The smallest of steps are still a start in the process of changed behaviour and awareness and it is never too soon to start. The workshop made me feel both proud and inspired to be working alongside a company who have the planet we live in and the people within it, at the forefront of their standards.
Chloe Gledden
Customer Service Team Leader

Request a summary presentation of our ESG strategy
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