We ensure all our products are responsibly sourced and FSC or PEFC certified wherever possible, as well as prioritising working with organisations who support sustainable practices to ensure we are taking care of our forests for future generations.

Responsible Timber Sourcing
We support a responsible timber supply chain, from the diverse eco-system of the forest, downstream to sawmill, manufacturer, to the distributor, merchant and end user. One of the best ways to do this is to source certified timber and timber products as well as conducting supply chain due diligence. By working with trusted sawmills and partners who share our values, we are able to offer sustainable materials that will also protect our forests for future generations.
Our Certification

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) is an international, non-governmental organisation that implements strict principles to promote sustainable forest management on a global scale. FSC take pride in their high standards that deliver positive impacts for the people, forests and businesses involved in the supply of certified timber. More than 200 million hectares of forest are managed to FSC standards around the world and Taylor Maxwell are proud to be one of 50,000 companies holding valid chain of custody certification. We take pride in supporting sustainable management of the world’s forests having held a valid FSC Chain of Custody certificate for over 20 years.

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification™ (PEFC) is a global alliance of national forest certification systems set up to promote sustainable forest management through certification. PEFC is a globally trusted trademark which ensures forests are managed to protect forest-based products from environmental, social and ethical concerns. With 280 million hectares of forest area worldwide and over 20,000 Chain of Custody certificates holders, PEFC certification provides assurance that the certified wood contained in a product originates from well-managed forests and the PEFC Due Diligence System (DDS) minimizes the risk of illegal harvested timber entering supply chains.

Sustainble Timber
UKTR Statement
Following Brexit on January 1st 2021, all timber supply chains in the UK are regulated to ensure harvesting practices are legal, encourage sustainability and support global forest governance as part of the UK Timber Regulation (UKTR).
As an importer of timber and timber products, Taylor Maxwell are obliged to have a due diligence system to ensure that all timber products we place on the UK market carry negligible risk of illegal timber entering the supply chain. We see our legal obligation to comply with UKTR as an opportunity to engage constructively with our suppliers and prioritise working only with organisations that support sustainable practices.
As a TDUK member, Taylor Maxwell have a well-established due diligence system in place under the Responsible Purchasing Policy (RPP). Information is collected for every imported product covering timber species, country of harvest and compliance with applicable local legislation, before a thorough risk assessment is conducted and where necessary action is taken to mitigate any identified risks so that we can be confident in supplying legal and sustainably sourced materials. Taylor Maxwell fully support UKTR legislation and recognise our company responsibility.

Our company responsibility
As a leading timber market supplier in the UK we understand how important it is that we are a trusted source of sustainable timber products. You can find the sourcing and certification details on our timber, product and sawmill/partner pages.
Alongside our facades business, we continue to take every effort to lighten our tread on the planet. Our fleet are key to our timber business and maintaining relationships with our customers and partners, which is why as part of our strategy we are currently rolling out a fully electric fleet.
Our overall Group Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, considers our impact and the positive change we could drive in the construction industry, through our approach to our people, our partners and the planet. To find out more, click here.

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