Timber Update November 2024
Industry Update
- Later this month, the EU parliament will vote on the proposed delay to the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). The delay is proposed for 30th December 2025 and would be done to give all members of the supply chain time to do their due diligence and allow for a smoother transition when new rules for EUDR come into play.
- Following on from Rachel Reeves Autumn Budget, TDUK reported on the importance of committing to increasing the construction of homes and the key roll the timber industry will play.
- Planting of new spruce trees has been banned in parts of East Anglia and Southeast England as part of new measures to limit the impact of an invasive European spruce bark beetle. Read more here.
Company Update
Our Director, Simon Tucker, completed the two-mile ‘Swim Serpentine’ event in Hyde Park on the 14th September to raise funds for Welwyn Garden Cricket Club.
Despite the chilly conditions, Simon completed the swim in only 74 minutes and, thanks to generous donations and fund-matching from the Brickability Foundation, raised £6,350! The money will improve the training facilities at the club, bringing two new bowling machines for the adults and juniors to enjoy.

Corà Product Feature
We are excited to be working with Italian oak supplier, Corà Domenico & Figli Spa!
This exclusive partnership will bring Corà’s square-edge European oak back to the UK market. Corà have over 100 years’ experience and use only oak from FSC®-certified forests. Available ex UK stock or as direct loads from Italy.
Stock is now on the ground!

Fun Fact!
An ancient oak tree in the Scottish Highlands has been announced as the UK Tree of the Year!
Known as the Skipinnish Oak, it was named after a band who were playing for the nearby Native Woodland Discussion Group when the tree was discovered in 2009. It is one the largest oaks in the region and thought to be at least 400 years old, and potentially even up to 1,000 years old! Learn more here.
Image Credit: ruralnetwork.scot/

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